Inspiration Awards
Where Creativity Meets Global Recognition

Find out the Winners of the 2024 Awards.
Art has the power to transform, to elevate, and to connect humanity across borders and boundaries. It is the universal language of emotion, innovation, and beauty. Our mission is to celebrate the boundless creativity of artists and visionaries from around the world, to honor their contributions to culture, and to amplify the voices that dare to inspire, challenge, and imagine a brighter future
Nomination: Masterpieces of Vision
Awarded For: Outstanding achievements in painting, sculpture, body art, graphic art, or other fine arts that capture profound beauty, provoke thought, and inspire emotion.
Nomination: Movements of Excellence
Awarded For: Exceptional performances in ballet, folk, modern, or street dance that demonstrate extraordinary skill, creativity, and passion.

Nomination: Harmonies of the Heart
Awarded For: Remarkable vocal or instrumental performances that transcend genres and resonate deeply with audiences.

Step into the spotlight. Share your story with the world and celebrate the power of art
Visual Arts
2024 – Jasleen Kaur
2023 – Olafur Eliasson
2022 – Ai Weiwei
2021 – Jenny Saville
2024 – Kenrick "H2O" Sandy
2023 – Akram Khan
2022 – Misty Copeland
2021 – Natalia Osipova
Music Performance
2024 – Karim Huu Do
2023 – Jon Batiste
2022 – Arooj Aftab
2021 – Yo-Yo Ma
2024 – Thandiwe Muriu
2023 – Oleksandr Radomskyi
2022 – Sebastião Salgado
2021 – Viktoriia Margolina
2024 – Paul Murray
2023 – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
2022 – Han Kang
2021 – Amanda Gorman
About Our Experts
Our panel of experts is composed of globally recognized leaders in their respective fields, united by their unwavering passion for the arts. These esteemed professionals dedicate their lives to creative excellence, bringing a wealth of experience, insight, and integrity to the evaluation process. With hearts devoted to their craft and a profound respect for the transformative power of creativity, they approach their work with full commitment and care. Their mission is to honor the most deserving talents, celebrating the visionaries who elevate their disciplines and inspire the world.
  • Anish Kapoor
  • Michele De Lucchi
  • Denis Matsuev
    Classical pianist
  • Santiago Calatrava

  • Anna Netrebko
    Opera singer
  • Alina Mykhalevych
    Fine-line tattoo artist
  • Isabelle Huppert
  • Anke Engelke
    Actress, voice actress and television presenter
We could talk about ourselves and our work
Le 2 mars 2025, les Inspiration Awards 2024, organisés par l’International Creative and Art Association, ont dévoilé les lauréats de cette année — un puissant rappel du rôle essentiel que joue la créativité dans la construction des récits culturels à travers le monde. En seulement quelques années, les Inspiration Awards se sont imposés comme l’une des plateformes les plus influentes pour récompenser les réalisations exceptionnelles dans les arts et les industries créatives.
March 2, 2025 marked an important date on the global creative calendar, as the winners of the Inspiration Awards 2024 were officially announced. Organized by the International Creative and Art Association, this prestigious event has firmly established itself as one of the most significant honors for artists, creators, and innovators across multiple disciplines.
Il 2 marzo 2025, si è tenuta la cerimonia degli Inspiration Awards 2024, organizzata dall’International Creative and Art Association, che ha annunciato l’attesissima lista dei vincitori. Ormai riconosciuti come uno dei riconoscimenti più dinamici e progressisti nel panorama creativo mondiale, gli Inspiration Awards continuano a ridefinire il concetto stesso di artista, creatore e visionario nel XXI secolo.
Hace tres años, cuando los Inspiration Awards fueron establecidos por primera vez, pocos podían prever hasta dónde llegaría esta iniciativa. La visión era ambiciosa: crear un galardón que no solo honrara la excelencia en el arte, la cultura y la creatividad, sino que también sirviera de puente para conectar y dar visibilidad a artistas de diferentes disciplinas y de distintos rincones del mundo.
The Inspiration Awards stand as one of the most prestigious honors in the world of art, culture, and creativity. Dedicated to recognizing the brightest talents, this award is not just a trophy—it’s a mark of distinction, a symbol of excellence, and an acknowledgment of those who push the boundaries of artistic expression.
The International Creative and Art Association (ICAA), a dynamic global platform championing creative talent and cultural exchange, is thrilled to reveal a series of groundbreaking initiatives set to launch in the latter half of 2022. Building on the momentum of previous successes, ICAA is expanding its global impact, continuing to support creative professionals and driving artistic innovation across borders.
Con la fine del 2021, l’Europa ha tirato le somme su un anno ricco di eventi culturali straordinari che hanno plasmato il panorama artistico del continente. Nonostante le difficoltà persistenti legate alla pandemia di COVID-19, il settore culturale ha trovato modi innovativi per prosperare. Dai festival musicali e cinematografici rivoluzionari alla riapertura di sedi storiche, fino ai premi di prestigio, l’anno appena trascorso ha dimostrato che l’arte e la creatività possono fiorire in qualsiasi circostanza. In questo articolo, ripercorriamo cinque momenti culturali significativi che hanno definito la scena artistica europea nel 2021.
In a rapidly changing global landscape, creative and cultural communities are playing an increasingly significant role. They not only help preserve cultural heritage but also open new doors for artists, musicians, and other creative professionals. One such platform fostering creativity and self-expression is the International Creative and Art Association (ICAA).
El Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián (SSIFF), en su 72ª edición, se prepara para ser una celebración monumental del cine contemporáneo. Gracias al apoyo de instituciones clave como el Instituto de La Asociación Internacional de Creatividad y Arte (ICAA), la Asociación de Cineastas Españoles (ASF), y el Instituto de Cine Español (SFI), el festival promete ser un punto de encuentro crucial para cineastas y entusiastas del cine de todo el mundo.
Contact Us
If you would like to get in touch with us, or if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please fill out the form below. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Working hours: Monday to Friday, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Madrid Time).